Investment Options

Investment Options

Building Bespoke Solutions

Our investments are the building blocks for one of the industry's most diverse ranges of bespoke private markets solutions, with offerings available across multiple asset classes, fund structures, and liquidity profiles.

Closed-end Funds

We offer a wide range of comingled investment programs across private equity, infrastructure, private credit, and real estate, using traditional closed-end limited partnership and SICAR structures.

Mandate Solutions

Our bespoke mandate solutions are tailored to specific client requirements and can range from a single asset-class focus to a multi-asset class investment strategy. We offer various accounting, reporting, and treasury management services to reduce our clients' administrative burdens and manage regulatory complexity.

Evergreen Funds

Our range of evergreen funds offers investors access to single- or multi-asset class private markets exposure via open-ended structures. These funds have lower minimum investment amounts than traditional private markets funds and are available in multiple currencies and share classes, with investors typically able to subscribe and redeem on a monthly basis.

Non-US Evergreen Funds
Partners Group Global Value SICAV


We offer a range of European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIF), which provide exposure to private markets via a regulated framework with strong investor protections.

Defined Contribution Solutions

We launched offerings tailored to each of the world's three largest defined contribution (DC) pension markets, the US, the UK, and Australia. These offerings provide access to private market investments, while at the same time providing daily liquidity and pricing and fulfilling the highly standardized purchase and redemption procedures that are requirements of the DC pension system.

Partners Group Generations Fund (UK) Partners Group Global Value (Australia) Partners Group Multi-Asset (Australia)

Liquid Private Markets

We offer liquid private markets programs for which we conduct regular assessments to identify and further define those sectors, regions, and industries that are likely to offer higher relative value at a given point in time.

Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV – Listed Infrastructure Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV – Listed Private Equity

Permanent Capital Vehicles

We manage an investment holding company traded on the London Stock Exchange, Partners Group Private Equity Limited, that invests in private equity and private debt investments globally. Partners Group Private Equity Limited aims to provide shareholders with long-term capital growth and an attractive dividend yield.

Partners Group Private Equity Limited

We also manage a portfolio comprising of international private equity investments which can be accessed through exchange-listed certificates.

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